Please click the above email link to contact us for any input, collaboration, or media inquiry.
This website is community-driven, so we appreciate feedback and any useful resources in the process of getting an abortion in Louisiana. We are looking for input from you, particularly about community resources, especially in Baton Rouge, Shreveport, and Lafayette.
If you have personal or medical questions, please read our website thoroughly and refer to our resources page. We are not a medical service or an advice service, so we will not be able to answer any personal questions. However, if you have any feedback or suggestions for our page, feel free to contact us.
This website is community-driven, so we appreciate feedback and any useful resources in the process of getting an abortion in Louisiana. We are looking for input from you, particularly about community resources, especially in Baton Rouge, Shreveport, and Lafayette.
If you have personal or medical questions, please read our website thoroughly and refer to our resources page. We are not a medical service or an advice service, so we will not be able to answer any personal questions. However, if you have any feedback or suggestions for our page, feel free to contact us.